17 research outputs found

    The New Aesthetic and Art: Constellations of the Postdigital

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    The case for the new aesthetic -- Manifestations of the new aesthetic -- Glitch ontology and the new aesthetic -- Setting the stage : the new precursorsand boundaries for a new aesthetic art -- Letting go : new aesthetic artists and the new aesthetic art that works -- Teleology and the new aesthetic -- Conclusion -- References -- Biographies. The new aesthetic and art: constellations of the postdigital is an interdisciplinary analysis focusing on new digital phenomena at the intersections of theory andcontemporary art. Asserting the unique character of New Aesthetic objects, Contreras-Koterbay and Mirocha trace the origins of the New Aesthetic in visual arts, design, and software, find its presence resonating in various kinds of digital imagery, and track its agency in everyday effects of the intertwined physical world and the digital realm. Contreras-Koterbay and Mirocha bring to light an original perspective that identifies an autonomous quality in common digital objects and examples ofart that are increasingly an important influence for today\u27s culture and society.https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1118/thumbnail.jp

    Narracja w prawie? Drogi recepcji pojęcia

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    Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: czy popularność narracji to jedynie efekt mody intelektualnej? Czy narracja może okazać się atrakcyjnym konceptem dla teoretyków prawa? W jaki sposób pojęcie narracji zostaje przeszczepione do prawoznawstwa? Autor nie aspiruje do kompletnego przedstawienia zjawiska narratywizmu, ogranicza się do zaprezentowania wybranych kontekstów funkcjonowania pojęcia narracji., które to pojęcie zostało zaczerpnięte z literaturoznawstwa.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Liberalizm polityczny. John Rawls wobec pluralizmu wartości

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    The article is devoted to the value pluralism in modern societies and its consequences, especially the problems of state legitimization and stability. J. Rawls is the author of one of the most influential conception regarding these matters, called political liberalism. His idea was to find some noncontroversial basis for the liberal, democratic state, which could be accepted by the adherents of rational, moral or religious, doctrines. In my article, firstly, I present “ original position ” as a key concept of Theory of justice which is later developed in Political liberalism. The main part of the article contains presentations of four, in my opinion principal, ideas of political liberalism: the fact of reasonable pluralism, overlapping consensus, division of public and private sphere, and neutrality principle. The criticism that stems from the liberal point of view completes the article. The objections raised by W. Galston and W. Kymlicka show that overlapping consensus could be very difficult to achieve due to the presence of closed, traditional communities. J. Gray accuses Rawls that he ignores many actual sources of pluralism, such as immigration, whereas R. Rorty claims that the whole theory of justice as fairness could be easily replaced by the concept of loyalty. In conclusion, using Berlin ’ s metaphor of fox and hedgehog, I raise a thesis, that the problem of pluralism cannot be resolved by one, universal conception, even such complex as political liberalism

    Rousseau i Tocqueville: przeciwstawne wizje republikańskiego wychowania

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    It is legitimate to speak about two philosophies of education as presented by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The first of the philosophies was elucidated in Emil, or on Education and its aim was to provide principles governing the process of upbringing of the man. Philo-sophical grounds for the second one were comprised in The Social Contract, however description of the education itself is delivered by Considerations on the Government of Poland. This concept refers to the civic education, education of the political community mem-ber. Alexis de Tocqueville depicts vision of education that varies fundamentally from the both grounded in Rousseau’s writing. Toc-queville’s vision stays at odds with the philosophy given in Emil, because it concerns civic aspects of the education. It is also not com-pliant with the concept stemming from Considerations, due to the fact that it stresses the role of other than state subjects in the edu-cation. The article comments on all three concepts of education out-lined above and finally relates them to the concept of positive and negative liberty provided by Isaiah Berlin.It is legitimate to speak about two philosophies of education as presented by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The first of the philosophies was elucidated in Emil, or on Education and its aim was to provide principles governing the process of upbringing of the man. Philo-sophical grounds for the second one were comprised in The Social Contract, however description of the education itself is delivered by Considerations on the Government of Poland. This concept refers to the civic education, education of the political community mem-ber. Alexis de Tocqueville depicts vision of education that varies fundamentally from the both grounded in Rousseau’s writing. Toc-queville’s vision stays at odds with the philosophy given in Emil, because it concerns civic aspects of the education. It is also not com-pliant with the concept stemming from Considerations, due to the fact that it stresses the role of other than state subjects in the edu-cation. The article comments on all three concepts of education out-lined above and finally relates them to the concept of positive and negative liberty provided by Isaiah Berlin

    Trzy modele obywatelstwa a edukacja publiczna

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    Citizenship is commonly considered to be synonymous with the state membership and rights related to the state membership. However, modern political philosophy presents at least two contradictory visions of citizenship: the liberal and the communitarian. The first one sees society as an aggregate of autonomous subjects. The second one- tends to view it as a community. These visions result in different shapes of state organisation and of course different models of public education. While liberal vision of public education emphasises subject’s self-determination, tolerance, and free market skills; republicanism regards public education as a tool for inculcating public virtues, traditions and building sense of belonging. In the paper strong and weak points of both liberal and republican visions of citizenship and models stemming from them are commented. The author presents also the third model of citizenship – so called – low-level communitarianism that represents the demand to exempt some members of a community from state-established education.Obywatelstwo na ogół postrzegane jest jako synonim przynależności państwowej i praw z nią związanych. Współczesna filozofia polityki prezentuje jednak co najmniej dwie alternatywne wizje obywatelstwa, z których pierwsza odwołująca się do liberalizmu zakłada model społeczeństwa złożonego z autonomicznych jednostek, druga zaś – komunitarystyczna postrzega społeczeństwo jako wspólnotę. Wizje te przekładają się na pożądany przez ich zwolenników kształt państwa, w tym edukacji publicznej. Podczas gdy liberalna edukacja kładzie nacisk na niezależność, tolerancję, umiejętności niezbędne do poruszania się w warunkach wolnego rynku, republikanizm będzie widział w szkolnictwie narzędzie krzewienia cnót publicznych, kultywowania tradycji, budowania poczucia przynależności. Artykuł omawia słabe i mocne strony obydwu wizji obywatelskości i stojących za nimi modelu edukacji, wskazuje także na trzecią wizję, którą uosabiają wspólnoty niskiego szczebla, występujące z roszczeniem zwolnienia ich od obowiązkowej edukacji państwowej

    Globalna sprawiedliwość a problem imigracji

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     Global justice and the problem of immigrationModern legal philosophy provides us with two main types of global justice theories. Distributive or egali­tarian theories claim that justice requires striving to achieve the global equality from us not only in legal but also economic dimension. On the other hand, there are many theories focusing on providing and keeping only „minimal standard” i.e. human rights and questioning the global equality as an ideal. In the article I investigate which type of theories describes contemporary international relations in the most accurate way claiming that „minimal standard” theory does it and I also wonder which type is more legitimate. In my opinion, considerations devoted to the question of global justice give us a well-established background for further studies on immigration policy, especially in the context of recent EU frontiers incidents. Global justice and the problem of immigrationModern legal philosophy provides us with two main types of global justice theories. Distributive or egali­tarian theories claim that justice requires striving to achieve the global equality from us not only in legal but also economic dimension. On the other hand, there are many theories focusing on providing and keeping only „minimal standard” i.e. human rights and questioning the global equality as an ideal. In the article I investigate which type of theories describes contemporary international relations in the most accurate way claiming that „minimal standard” theory does it and I also wonder which type is more legitimate. In my opinion, considerations devoted to the question of global justice give us a well-established background for further studies on immigration policy, especially in the context of recent EU frontiers incidents

    The limits of religious argumentation in the public sphere. Between participation and coercion

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest kwestii obecności argumentacji religijnej w sferze publicznej. Postawione zostaje pytanie o to czy ten rodzaj argumentacji powinien być dopuszczalny w dyskusji publicznej jako wystarczająca podstawa np. dla prawodawstwa, czy też nie, a w razie twierdzącej odpowiedzi – jakie powinny być warunki obecności tej argumentacji. Autor opisuje przebieg i wyniki dyskusji toczącej się w tym przedmiocie w Stanach Zjednoczonych począwszy od lat 80` XX w., rozważa dlaczego kwestie, które są raczej oczywiste w dużej większości innych liberalnych demokracji wywołały tak emocjonalną dyskusję w amerykańskiej humanistyce. Postawiona zostaje teza, że historyczne przykłady pozytywnej bądź negatywnej roli religii w życiu społecznym są zbyt słabą podstawą dla budowania jakiegokolwiek stanowiska w komentowanym zakresie. W ostatniej części artykułu wnioski filozoficznoprawne konfrontowane są z orzecznictwem Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka dotyczącym wolności religii.The article is devoted to the question of the presence of religious argumentation in the public sphere. The crucial problem is whether the religious argument should be completely accepted in the public discussion as sufficient basis for e.g. law-making or not, and – if so – what are necessary conditions of the presence of such factor. The author writes about course and results of the debate on pointed issue which has started in The United States in the late 80s of XX century. He also wonders why issues which are rather obvious for the great majority of other liberal and democratic countries involves such emotional discussions in American humanities. One of the author’s observations is that historical examples neither with the positive or negative influence of religion on social life are too weak ground for building any position to the considered problem. In the last part of the article, the philosophical conclusions are compared with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in regards to the freedom of religion

    Liberalne i komunitarystyczne próby uzasadnienia wolności religijnej a ich konsekwencje

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    Summary Many legal scholars have claimed that historically religious freedom could be considered the “prototype” of all the other human rights. Thus it is not surprising that the well-established status of religious freedom is present in the international legal documents on human rights. Religious freedom has a very strong foundation in positive law, alongside freedom of conscience and freedom of thought. However, recently its status as a special right has been denied more and more often. This is mainly due to problems with establishing the grounds for its special status: it is hard to say what sets religion apart from other, non-religious views, while at the same time maintaining the special status and privileges of religion as against other views which are not guaranteed such privileges. This article attempts to reconstruct and analyse the grounds for religious freedom presented by two antithetical trends in the contemporary philosophy of law, viz. liberalism and communitarianism.W nauce prawa prezentowane było stanowisko głoszące, że wolność religijna, historycznie rzecz biorąc, jest „prototypem” wszystkich pozostałych praw człowieka. Nie może więc dziwić ugruntowany status wolności religijnej w dokumentach międzynarodowego prawa praw człowieka. Wolność ta znajduje bardzo mocne oparcie pozytywnoprawne, występując obok wolności sumienia i myśli. Pozycja wolności religijnej jako specjalnego prawa jest jednak coraz częściej negowana. Wskazywane są problemy z jej uzasadnieniem. Wynikać mają one zasadniczo z braku możliwości przypisania religii przekonującej differentia specifca w konfrontacji z innymi, niereligijnymi poglądami, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu szczególnego statusu i uprawnień z niej wypływających, niegwarantowanych tym poglądom. W artykule podejmuję próbę odtworzenia i oceny uzasadnień wolności religijnej prezentowanych przez dwa przeciwstawne nurty współczesnej filozofii prawa – liberalizm i komunitaryzm

    A Recent Polish Case Law in the Masterpiece Cakeshop Case Perspective

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    The article delivers some critical remarks on recent judgements of Polish courts concerning the so called Lodz printer case. The author attempts to apply ratio decidendi form the US Supreme Court holding in the case of the Masterpiece Cake shop in the circumstances of the Polish case, and evaluate the approach of Polish courts from this perspective. The reasoning provided by Justice Kennedy in the Masterpiece Cakeshop opinion seems convincing and universal in the field of equality v. religious freedom controversies, which makes it a proper guidepost in the examination of disputes such as the Lodz printer case. From the presented point of view, Polish judgements occur as justified in not a very elegant manner, however they seem to be correct eventually. Detailed remarks raised against those judgements concern among others the issue of the interpretation of applied regulations of the Polish Code of Petty Offences and the Polish Civil Code. The Polish Supreme Court’s approach to the interpretation of demands ostensibly stemming from relevant human rights provisions is also questioned